Become a Patient

Lindsey Cassidy, MD, MSCP

Join Dr. Cassidy’s Family Medicine Practice

Dr. Cassidy is accepting concierge patients into her Family Medicine Practice. An annual membership for adult members is $3600, independent young adults aged 18-25 $2,000, dependent young adults aged 18-25 $1000, independent children aged 6-17 $1000, and dependent children aged 6-17 $500.  

At check-out, you will be required to pay for one year of membership for the chosen plan. You may cancel after six months with a written 30-day notice and receive a prorated refund if requested and the appropriate notice is given.  You may cancel after six months with 30 days' notice and receive a refund if requested for unused months. Once you join, call 267-207-3100 to schedule your first appointment.